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Wallet Pay In

Take these steps to ensure your users receive USDC into their wallets.

Transfer USDC into Address

Have your users transfer USDC on a specified chain into the address they set up.

Wallets can receive funds 💸
• via wire transfers
• from an external wallet address


Sending crypto to a wallet

Once crypto wallet addresses have been generated for your user, they can receive USDC into these wallets anytime.

For your sandbox environment, send USDC to your wallet using this usdc testnet website.

Get notified once the transfer is received.

Receive a confirmation from us at your webhook when your user's crypto address has received USDC.

Notifications on individual transactions will be sent to your webhook URL which you must have provided at registration.

Read about webhooks and how to set up webhooks.


Confirm Pay In Success

We advise that you confirm the success of a wallet pay in (even after receiving a notification from our webhook) by checking the transaction id and the balance of your integrator wallet address. The /crypto-integrators/address endpoint will return these details for you.